‘L’Histoire du soldat’ in urban version with Josemar Gomes

The original music by Igor Stravinsky is used to tell the story of an up-and-coming rap and soul artist in the Bronx, New York that is offered a contract by a major music label. Without thinking twice, he signs on the dotted line but later realises that his soul, his voice, his authenticity, and his […]

SoundWave Collective plays Saint-Saëns Organ Symphony with video art

You don’t hear it often: the ‘Organ Symphony’, Symphony no. 3 c-minor, op. 78 by Camille Saint-Saëns. During the centenary of the composer’s death, this monumental composition will be performed by SoundWave Collective and organist Geerten van de Wetering… Read more in the review.

Energetic tribute to Saint-Saëns by SoundWave Collective

Many large concert halls have an organ, but it is rarely played. One of the works that sometimes blows the dust out of the pipes is the Third Symphony by Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), nicknamed the ‘organ symphony’. This is confusing to the extent that there is actually very little organ in the four-part work from 1886, […]